, pub-7926061698167105, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 bikers blog: April 2010

Swap Meet Holbaek !

Had a cozy trip to the Swap Meet in Holbaek..Not much I could afford and not many Bikeparts, but the weather was nice and people had a great day in the sun!

Club Black.

We got an order for display and decoration bikes, to a nightclub in Herning, Denmark, name of this place, CLUB BLACK !
They are not ment to be driven, and all we did are pure cosmetics and made to look good and black, so we have no clue to how these bikes would be like to drive, but we could guess !


Got some Stickers from Christiano Colaci at Old Skull Motors in Itali... Thanks Christiano !


Italian Moto Special.

MO Magazine.

Zephyr 750 in German MO Magazine.


For all the stickers, now we have to leave them at the old webshop, so if you are up to it, please send us new stickers to decorate the new door!

Honda CB 750

Went out early this morning to buy a carfull of Honda Parts!

No comments!


Went Fyn to visit my Girlfriends parents, if we have enough time and if the weather allows it, I'll take my son for a walk in his trolly, I'll walk an hour to get a look at these old cars, stocked together in an old stable, kind of scary place but also very facinating.